Born in 1969 in Bydgoszcz; 1987-1992 studies in Danish Philology at the Department of Scandinavian Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; 1991-1992 studies at the University of Copenhagen. Master thesis Danmark og EF. Historisk baggrund og gennemgang af faktorer bestemmende for dansk stillingtagen til EF-samarbejde (Denmark and the EEC Historical background and an overview of the factors determining the Danish attitude to EC cooperation).

1992-1999 assistant at the Department of Scandinavian Studies in Poznań; 1993-1994 research scholarship at the University of Copenhagen.

1997-2002 researcher, teaching assistant and project administrator at Nordeuropa-Institut of the Humboldt University in Berlin.

2002 – awarded PhD (Dr. phil.) in political science at the Humboldt University in Berlin for a dissertation Roots of the Scandinavian Model. Image of Progress in the Era of Modernisation.

2014 – awarded habilitation degree (dr hab.) in sociology for dissertation University in the frame of its times. Social transformation in the post-industrial age and changes in higher education in the Nordic countries (original in Polish: Uniwersytet na miarę swego czasu. Transformacja społeczna w dobie post­industrialnej a zmiany w szkolnictwie wyższym krajów nordyckich.

Since May 2000 at the University of Gdańsk. In 2012-2016, deputy director of the Institute of Scandinavian Studies and Applied Linguistics. Since 2017, head of Interdisciplinary Research Group for the Study of Nordic-Baltic Europe and the Arctic. Since 2019 university professor in the Institute of Scandinavian and Finnish Studies.

Since 2020 coordinator of Young People for Balticness network sponsored by the Council of the Baltic Sea States.

Numerous research stays and work abroad. Membership in editorial committees and expert teams.

Currently taught lectures and seminars

Supervised theses and research





Latest revision: 20.02.2022