participation and title of the contribution
01.12.2022 The temporal contingency of knowledge
regimes and episteme in area studies, CBEES Annual Conference 2022, Stockholm,
25.11.2022 Changing knowledge regimes in the Baltic Sea
region in the light of the critical junctures theory. 11th Convention of the
Polish Society of International Studies, Wrocław,
15.09.2022 Legitymizacja
przyszłości w politykach publicznych – przykład krajów nordyckich i Polski (with
Agnieszka Dziedziczak-Foltyn), XVIII Polish Sociological Congress, Warsaw, Poland
02.06.2022 Polish representations of Norden during the epistemic
gateway of the 1970s and 1980s, 5th Nordic Challenges Conference, Nordic
Neighbourhoods: Affinity and Distinction in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond,
Stockholm, Sweden.
28.05.2022 Internationalization as myth, ceremony and
doxa. Higher education in the Baltic Sea region between centre and periphery,
The 28th Biennial AABS Conference, Seattle, USA.
06.11.2021 Norden as Heterotopia. A comparative glimpse
on the circulation of Nordic brands in Central and Eastern Europe, (with
Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha), The Fourth Nordic Challenges Conference, Boston, USA
(held on-line).
01.09.2021 Copying, alignment or convergence –
institutional adjustment of the Baltic states to the Nordic model of regional
cooperation since the Cold War, 14th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe,
Uppsala, Sweden.
05.02.2021 «Different tropes from different Folks».
Visions of the Nordic model from both sides of the Iron Curtain in the 1960s
and 1970s, Conference on Alternative Visions of Europe in the 1970s (Plusieurs), hosted by the EUI;
funded by the Academy of Finland; held on-line.
03.03.2020 The rise and fall of Balticness. Attempting
a Baltic identity politics with a Nordic blueprint, ReNEW
Excellence Hub “Re-Imagining Norden in an Evolving World” workshop on Identity
politics in post-global Nordic societies. Helsingør,
07.11.2019 Knowledge regimes and international order in
the Baltic Sea region, 9th Convention of the Polish Society of International
Studies, Gdynia, Poland
11.09.2019 Discourses of ‘autonomy’ and ‘collegiality’
in shaping higher education and science systems; exemplified by reforms in
Poland and Sweden. (with Agnieszka Dziedziczak-Foltyn), XVII Polish
Sociological Congress, Wrocław, Poland
03.05.2019 Science diplomacy for increasing regionness
in the Baltic Sea area, Conference: Public Diplomacy in Conflict: Nordic,
Baltic and East European Perspectives, Stockholm, Sweden
22.03. 2019 Framing Northern Europe as a space of
learning and innovation, Conference: Géographies et Imaginaires. La construction de l’espace
en Europe du Nord, Strasburg, France
05.03.2019 Current Trends in Higher Education: Norden
in a Global Perspective (invited key-note), Emerging Scholars Day, 3rd Nordic
Challenges Conference, CBS, Copenhagen, Denmark
29.11.2018 How to build legitimacy of regional
integration on rational foundations - a case of epistemic communities in the
Baltic Sea Region, CBEES Annual Conference 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
09.11.2018 Instytucje
miękkiego bezpieczeństwa wobec narastającej niepewności w Europie północnej. Studium przypadku strategii UE dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego
[Soft security institutions facing increased insecurity in Northern Europe. A
case of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region], 8th Convention of the
Polish Society of International Studies, Poznań, Poland
20.09.2018 Zachowanie państw w regionie bałtyckim w warunkach narastającej niepewności
[Behaviour of states in the Baltic Sea region under the circumstances of
growing uncertainty], 4th Polish Political Science Congress, Lublin, Poland
29.06.2018 Epistemic gateways to the Baltic Sea Region
(invited key-note), Baltic Borderlands conference: The Power of Borderland(s):
In Media's Res, Greifswald, Germany
03.06.2018 Overcoming the paradox of doxa in higher
education and science in the Baltic Sea Region, AABS Conference at Stanford
University: The 100th Anniversary of Baltic Independence, Stanford, CA, USA
15.05.2018 Regions in the European North as identity
building projects, Conference – Drammar* of culture
and nature: relations between Poland and the North, Gdańsk, Poland
08.03.2018 Reframing Identities, Interests and
Strategies in a Time of Uncertainty in the Baltic Sea Region, CENS2018: the
second Annual Nordic Studies Conference, Helsinki, Finland
29.11.2017 The role of academic expertise in periods of
uncertainty in the Baltic Sea region, CBEES Annual Conference 2017, Stockholm,
09.11.2017 EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region as a
regime reconfiguring the regional space in North-Eastern Europe, 7th Convention
of the Polish Society of International Studies, Kraków, Poland
19.10.2017 Doskonałość
naukowa. Wspólny potencjał regionu Morza Bałtyckiego [Scientific
excellence. A joint potential of the Baltic Sea region], 5th
Conference of Polish Higher Education Researchers, Poznań, Poland
15.05.2017 The Finnish way of reforming higher
education, The centenary of independence of Finland conference. Diverse areas
of Finnish Studies: language-culture–nation, Gdańsk, Poland
21.03.2017 Constructions and Perceptions of the Nordic
Model in Poland – Past and Present (with Maja Chacińska), Conference “Global
Challenges - Nordic Experiences”, Oslo, Norway.
15.12.2016 Reformowanie szkolnictwa wyższego po fińsku [Reforming higher education the Finnish way], 4th
Conference of Polish Higher Education Researchers, Poznań, Poland
02.12.2016 Institutionalization of EUSBSR
in the time of growing uncertainty, CBEES Annual Conference Transforming Spaces
– Mastering Uncertainty: A Second Take on Area Studies in the Baltic Sea region
and Eastern Europe. Stockholm, Sweden
26.05.2016 How epistemic communities frame the Baltic
Sea region, 25th Conference of Baltic Studies, Univ. of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, USA
26.04.2016 Disciplinary options and consequences of
contemporary area studies 40th
Anniversary Conference of Scandinavian Studies in Gdańsk, Poland
14.04.2016 O
narzucaniu porządku w przestrzeni regionalnej. Rola wspólnot epistemicznych i
reżimów wiedzy w zarządzaniu ryzykiem i stabilizowaniu niepewności. [On imposing order in a regional space. The role of epistemic
communities and knowledge regimes in managing risk and stabilising
uncertainty], IV Gdańsk Baltic Conference, University of Gdańsk, Poland
13.04.2016 Discourses of modernization and grand
narratives of development. Nordic countries and Poland in comparison,
University of Lund, Sweden
12.11.2015 Analiza stosunków międzynarodowych obszaru nordycko-bałtyckiego w perspektywie koncepcji Pierra Bourdieu [Analysing international relations in the
Nordic-Baltic region from the perspective of Bourdieu’s concepts], 5th
Convention of the Polish Society of International Studies, Gdańsk, Poland
26.09.2015 Probing the concept of epistemic communities
for the Baltic Sea region, Conference: Interactive Borderland? Re-thinking
networks and organizations in Europe. Riga, Latvia
24.09.2015 Use of knowledge networks and epistemic
communities for the Baltic Sea Region, 11th annual International Scientific
Conference on “Regional Identity: the Paradigm of Public Welfare of the Baltic
Sea Region” Klaipeda, Lithuania
09.06.2015 Nordic progress, Rhetoric of Nordicness Workshop, Finnish Institute, Berlin, Germany
27.05.2015 Farewell to (post)colonialism in
Danish-Greenlandic relations? And then again, maybe not..., New Narratives of
the Postcolonial Arctic, RUC, Roskilde, Denmark
24.04.2015 Reforms of higher education funding in
Finland - an analytical mirror and ideal type for Central and Eastern Europe,
Conference: Challenges for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe.
Cracow, Poland
02.12.2014 The Danish discourse of Greenland – examples
of discursive framing with a long history (with Agata Lubowicka), Arctic Days:
Greenland and Sápmi in literature, painting and film.
Gdańsk, Poland.
15.11.2014 Od
nierównego partnerstwa do NB8. Przemoc symboliczna i inne dyspozycje w polu
relacji nordycko-bałtyckich [From an unequal partnership to NB8. Symbolic violence and other dispositions in the field of Nordic-Baltic
relations], IV Konwencja PTSM
[4th Convention of the Polish Society of International Studies], Wrocław, Poland
31.03.2014 Modern Area Studies approach to the Baltic
Sea Region, Baltic University Programme Preparatory meeting for the 4th Rectors
Conference, Uppsala, Sweden
14.03.2014 Nordic Assistance, Norm Entrepreneurship and
Public Diplomacy in the Baltic States since the 1990s, Yale Conference on
Baltic and Scandinavian Studies, New Haven, USA
12.09.2013 Dyskursy
modernizacyjne i wielkie narracje rozwojowe. Polska w konfrontacji z krajami nordyckimi. (together with Agnieszka Dziedziczak-Foltyn)
[Discourses of modernisation and grand development narratives – Poland compared
with the Nordic countries], XV Polish Congress of Sociology, Szczecin, Poland.
17.06.2013 Benevolent Assistance, Norm Entrepreneurship
or Skilful Public Diplomacy: Patterns of Nordic involvement in the Baltic
States since the 1990s, The 10th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe.
Tallinn, Estonia
25.05.2013 Nordic public diplomacy and the construction
of the Nordic-Baltic region: The case of education and research cooperation,
The 4th International Conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania –
Constanta, Romania
11.04.2013 Rola dyplomacji publicznej w kształtowaniu relacji pomiędzy krajami nordyckimi i republikami bałtyckimi [The role of public diplomacy in shaping
relations between the Nordic and Baltic countries], Conference: Współpraca i konkurencja w Europie Bałtyckiej, Gdańsk,
20.09.2012 Strategiczna funkcja dyskursu regionalnego i umiędzynarodowienia
w polityce szkolnictwa wyższego krajów nordyckich [Strategic function of the regional discourse
and internationalisation in higher education policy of the Nordic countries],
II Polish Congress of Political Science, Poznań, Poland.
16.03.2012 Polityka edukacyjno-badawcza państw nordyckich w szkolnictwie wyższym [Educational and science policy of the Nordic
countries in higher education], Konferencja Fundacji Naukowej Norden Centrum Nordycki
model rozwoju - specyfika, perspektywy, lekcje dla Polski, Warsaw, Poland.
26.09.2011 University and regional development in
Northern European periphery – the case of the University of Tromsø,
International Conference: Cities and their Universities for the Creation of
Knowledge and Innovation, Warszawa, Poland
24.05.2011 Aspekty zmiany instytucji akademickich w postindustrialnym porządku społecznym – na przykładzie krajów nordyckich [Changing HEIs in the postindustrial social order – examples from the Nordic
countries], Konferencja: Szkoła wyższa
w toku zmian, Kraków,
23.02.2011 Nordplus programme
as a tool for creating common values in education in the Nordic-Baltic region,
Conference on “Lithuanian-Nordic cooperation: Life-long Learning Experience and
Common Values”, Vilnius, Lithuania.
10.08.2010 Pomiędzy
umiędzynarodowieniem i lokalnością. Glokalne strategie rozwojowe szkół wyższych
w krajach nordyckich [Between internationalisation
and localisation. Glocal strategies of HEIs
in the Nordic countries], XIV Polish Congress of Sociology, Cracow, Poland.
10.06.2010 Operational models and elective strategies
of universities in the post-industrial age – the case of the Nordic countries,
23rd Annual CHER Conference: Effects of Higher Education Reforms. Oslo, Norway
13.04.2010 Elitist turn in higher education in the
context of recent reforms in the Nordic countries European Social Science History Conference 2010, Ghent,
29.01.2009 The Social Function of Higher Education:
current perspectives from different parts of Europe, NESOR
project conference, Barcelona, Spain
3.10.2008 Recommendations for the future of higher
education in the EU – comments to the NESOR findings NESOR project
19.09.2008 Political transformation and its impact on
higher education in the Baltic Sea region, BalticStudyNet
workshop for multipliers, Tallinn, Estonia
26.08.2008 Redefining stakeholders in Nordic higher
education, 30th ANNUAL EAIR (The European Higher Education
Society) FORUM, Copenhagen, Danmark
12.06.2008 Kształcenie
ustawiczne jako wyzwanie dla szkolnictwa wyższego na przykładzie krajów
nordyckich [LLL as a challenge in higher
education – examples from
the Nordic countries], NESOR Project Conference: Szkolnictwo wyższe wobec wyzwań
społeczeństwa wiedzy, Łódź, Poland.
01.03.2008 Reconstructing Nordic significance in
post-modern Europe, European Social Science History Conference 2008, Lisbon,
31.08.2007. The public good function of universities in
recent Nordic higher education reforms, Conference of CHER (Consortium of
Higher Education Researchers), Dublin – Ireland
16.06.2007 Educating for the social change - a
historical reappraisal of higher education sector in Nordic welfare states,
Change and Resistance - An International Conference on Social Transformations
and Education, Gdańsk – Poland.
18.05.2006 Higher Education Reforms in the Nordic
Countries – trading the public good for the good of the market?, International
Conference on Learning in the Academia: Socio-Cultural and Political
Perspectives, Leźno - Poland
08.08.2005 Higher Education and Regional Development: a
Case of the Baltic Sea Region, European Conference of Educational Research
2005, 7.-10.08. 2005, Dublin – Ireland
05.04.2005 Higher education in the Baltic Sea region
and the European ambition to create a common area for research and higher
education, Conference: GO NORTH! Baltic Sea Region Studies:
Past–Present–Future, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
20.11.2004 Going regional or going global –
Universities in the Baltic Sea Region after the EU Enlargement, Conference: Nach der EU-Erweiterung. Veränderungen und Herausforderungen in der
Ostseeregion. Södertörn Högskola,
Stockholm, Sweden.
8.10.2004 Regional Universities in the Baltic Sea
Region Facing Globalization, Conference: The 2nd International Conference on
Universities' Quality Development: Higher Education Facing Globalization and
Europeanization. Vilnius, Lithauania
29.05.2004 Experiences in research and administration
of research networks in the Baltic Sea region Conference: Changes, Challenges
and Chances - Conclusions and Perspectives of Baltic Sea Area Studies, Berlin,
13.11.2003 The Baltic Sea Universities in the
Knowledge-Based Society, Conference: Transformationsprozesse
im Ostseeraum und die osteuropäische Erfahrung, Vienna,
8.10.2003 Images of the Northern Countries, 16. Arbeitstagung der deutschsprachigen
Skandinavistik, Basel, Switzerland
12.07.2003 Methodological and practical problems in the
research proposals concerning the Baltic Sea region, Euro Summer School. The
Baltic Sea Region 2010. Greifswald, Germany
30.10.2002 Construction of the Northern Countries in
modern discourse, Conference: Norden at the Crossroads, Helsinki, Finland
lectures and panels:
26.04.2021: Invited panelist: Państwa bałtyckie: transformacja, bezpieczeństwo, nowe technologie [The Baltic States: transformation, security, ne
technologies], Biblioteka
Publiczna Warszawy, Biblioteka Główna Województwa Mazowieckiego oraz Instytut Europy
Środkowej, Poland
22.04.2021: Invited panelist on-line:
Geopolityczne Znaczenie Morza Bałtyckiego [Geopolitical Significance
of the Baltic Sea], Regionalny
Ośrodek Debaty Międzynarodowej w Krakowie, Poland
28.01.2021: Invited panelist
on-line: Space Bridge 2.0, Baltic University Program, Uppsala, Sweden
14.10.2020: Invited panelist on-line: Polska
nad Bałtykiem - perspektywa polityki historycznej, Janusz Kurtyka Foundation,
22.02.2019: Invited panelist:
Joint Areas of Research Excellence in the Baltic Sea Region: Our Answer to the
Future, Baltic Science Network final conference and CBSS Annual BALTIC SEA
SCIENCE DAY, Riga, Latvia
26.1.2018: Internationalisation as a modus operandi of
higher education in the contemporary world: goals, strategies and frameworks in
the Nordic countries, Educational Research Institute Seminar: Ascertaining
Higher Education in the Contemporary World, Warsaw, Poland
05.10.2017: Development of the Concept of Summer Universities
as an Element of PhD Training and Third Level University Education, Workshop on
the Future of the CBSS EuroFaculty Programme,
Potsdam, Germany
Scientific Excellence: Joint Potentials
in the Baltic Sea Region, 8th Annual EUSBSR forum,
Berlin, Germany
Balticness – what is it? Almedalen CBSS Seminar on regional identity, “Balticness –
what is it?”, Visby, Sweden
Knowledge Networks and Border
Universities as Means and Instruments to Develop the Baltic Sea Region, EuroFaculty Pskov Closing Seminar, Pskov, Russia.
Internationalisation as a development
strategy of universities in the Baltic Sea Region, 13th Forum of South Baltic
Parliaments, Hamburg, Germany
Dimensions of educational and research
cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region (with Paula Lindroos),
Brainstorming Seminar on a “Baltic Science Network”, Hamburg, Germany
Internationalisation of universities in
the BSR: Reasons, means and challenges for making it work, 5th Annual Forum of
Euroregion Baltic Stakeholders, Gdańsk, Poland
The Universities’ Internationalization in
the Baltic Sea Region, Annual BSRUN Forum at St. Petersburg State University of
Economics (UNECON), Skt. Petersburg, Russia
Internationalization and Public
Diplomacy: Why Are They Difficult and How to Make Them Relevant for Regional
University Cooperation, BSRUN Seminar: Frameworks for University Cooperation in
the Baltic Sea Region, Turku, Finland
On the Swedish national character that
sometimes makes Polish-Swedish contacts easier or more difficult, Debate on
"Polish-Swedish cooperation for the Baltic Sea region”, Marshall Office of
the Pomorskie Region, Gdańsk, Poland
Public diplomacy in the Baltic Sea
region: on-line seminar, SEBA conference Creativity
and Cooperation in the South Eastern Baltic Area, Nordic Council Information
Office, Kaliningrad, Russia
Global and regional considerations in
higher education policy and practice in Nordic and Polish experience, Baltic
University Program Teachers Conference, Kazimierz Dolny,
Poland's identity between the Baltic and
the Black Seas, European Cultural Foundation Network, Helsinki, Finland
The Future of the CBSS - Trends and
Cornerstones of a Deeper Integration, International Forum - Challenges and
Options for the Baltic Sea Region, MFA, Vilnius, Lithuania
Poland as a Baltic Sea Country –
Priorities and Doubts, BSRUN Round-Table on Baltic Sea Strategy, Turku, Finland
The Knowledge-Based Societies in The
Baltic Sea Region, Seminar for Young Leaders from the Baltic Sea Countries at Europäische Akademie Berlin, Berlin, Germany
08.11.2007: Das
skandinavische Modell, Schweden – Deutschland – Norden. Bilanz und Perspektiven
von Forschungsgemeinschaften, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets
Akademien Stockholm, Sweden.
Polish Foreign Policy in the Baltic Sea
region, European Days in Gdańsk: Panel Session, Gdańsk City Council, Poland.
Popularizing research
in the media
2020.07.07, Podcast - Knowledge on the
Nordics by @nordicsinfo (ca 15 mins).
interview for TOK FM radio on the state of economy and politics in Sweden
during the COVID-19 pandemic.(20 mins).
interview for TOK FM radio on the governance and trust in science in Sweden
during the COVID-19 pandemic.(20 mins).
interview for the Polish Radio channel 1, on higher education and academic
profession in the Nordic countries.
interview and panel discussion on the Danish Radio DR1 on Poland’s EU